Running: My Salvation from Stage 4 Cancer by “Pacer Tom” Perri

Running: My Salvation from Stage 4 Cancer by “Pacer Tom” Perri is the latest book created with the help of Y42K Publishing Services. It’s available in paperback and for the Kindle and other ebook readers.

Running: My Salvation from Stage 4 Cancer

Cancer will never tell me what I can’t do.

Through six decades of running, Pacer Tom has run over 680 marathons and ultras. He never stopped running, even when he was given his initial prostate cancer diagnosis in 2018 at the age of 58, and even after it progressed to Stage 4 in 2019.

Pacer Tom made a commitment that cancer was not going to tell him what he can’t do. Instead of giving up, he set higher goals and dreamed new dreams, while continuing to run and pace marathons around the world. Cancer became a motivating factor to make his life even better than what it previously was.

Pacer Tom’s inspirational book is so much more than just about running. It is about seeing a negative and making it a positive. It is about facing a life-threatening roadblock and making a gutsy detour to take your life in a completely new direction. It is about being positive no matter what life throws at you. And it is about friendships forged through a commonality of coping with cancer.

His book will motivate you to overcome your personal obstacles and to lead amore productive and happier life.

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One thought on “Running: My Salvation from Stage 4 Cancer by “Pacer Tom” Perri

  • DON

    Fantastic Tom the Pacer. I have read everything I can on you and you are an encourager and miracle. I had my PSA done in 2023 and was 3.9 but digital exam showed right side of my prostate was hard. Should be soft both sides. I went to a urologist and he did the rectal exam also. I had a biopsy do and had prostate cancer. Did 40 treatments of radiation and 2 years of Lupron. Ran the Disney Marathon in 2014. Did a half marathon in 2022 and many, many 5K’s. I am sticking with 5K’s for now. Found out in 2023 I had 4 stage prostate cancer. I was depressed but one thing I wanted to do was keep running. Keep moving. So I am still moving. Keeping running bro as you are an inspiration to all prostate cancer victims.