Pass the Baton! – the ultimate card game for runners

Pass the Baton! the relay race card game for runners

Can you lead your team to victory?

Pass the Baton! is a two-player card game is perfect for anyone who’s trying to relax before a big race, kill some time before the awards ceremony, or simply have fun while hanging out with their friends. In Pass the Baton!, two running clubs, the Red River Runners and the Blue Blazing Bolts, are competing to win the Big Relay. Your goal as team captain is to manage your club’s runners so they beat the other team and carry your baton across the finish line first!

Only $14.99 – click here to order!

Pass the Baton! is a great gift for runners

This card game is great gift for runners and for anyone who likes a fast-paced strategy game. But be sure to order more than one copy – you’ll want to keep one for yourself!

Pass the Baton! cards