Yearly Archives: 2007

How to Win

I’ve lost hundreds of races. Literally. I haven’t been the first one across the line since high school. […]

Life sucks?

Are pacifiers cruel? Sure, mom and dad get some blessed peace by triggering Junior’s suck reflex with a […]


Coming Jan 5. to the Brattle Theater in Harvard Square, it’s Pythonathon! Four Monty Python moves in a […]

Things that work

Life is full of mixed blessings. One of them is a new pair of glasses. Sure, they’re expensive, […]

Why Run?

The average barfly, if he thinks about running at all, doesn’t think much of the idea. Running is […]

Terrorist Cat 1990-2007

Ruth had Terrorist Cat put to sleep today. TC was almost 18 years old. Ruth had been his […]